This year’s competition is now over. Thank you to everyone who entered. Look out for the shortlist and the winning entry in Issue 10!

Would you like to see your photo on the cover of the Autumn 2024 issue of PinPoint Magazine AND win a limited edition geocoin? Of course you would! Then get snapping!

Competition Rules

  • Take a photo at any time during your visit to the UK Mega 2024 (South East Mega).
  • Photos can be portrait or landscape.
  • Please check that anyone who features prominently in your photo is OK for their picture to be published.
  • Uploaded your photo (as a JPEG or PNG) using the form below by 23:59 (UK time) on 17th August 2024. Maximum file size is 8MB.
  • The winning entry will be chosen by the editors and will feature as the cover of the Autumn 2024 edition of PinPoint. Shortlisted entries will be printed inside the magazine. The editors’ decision is final.

Hints and Tips!

  • Winning images are likely to be those which capture the spirit of fun and enjoyment at the Mega and of geocaching in general.
  • Don’t crop in too close or your picture won’t be suitable for a cover image. Leave some background all around.
  • Bonus marks for a good use of light and colour and a strong focal point!
  • Upload your original photo – don’t edit or crop, and don’t send us a copy that’s been through apps such as Facebook or WhatsApp. All these usually reduce the quality of the image.