Please read this page carefully and take note of the word count guidelines, writing guidelines, picture guidelines and submission deadlines.

Would you like to write for PinPoint? We’d be delighted to receive your submissions and consider them for publication. You could write about a particular aspect of geocaching, an experience you had while out caching, somewhere you visited on a caching adventure… as long as it involves geocaching, we’re interested!

You might also like to choose one of our regular features to write for.

You can see the kind of thing we’re looking for by reading previously published issues. Issue 1 is available to read online free of charge.

All articles published are professionally edited for grammar, style or readability or for reasons of space.

If you have any queries, please email us at submissions @

Word Count Guidelines

Short Article (single magazine page): up to 400 words, plus 1 or 2 pictures

Medium Article (2–3 pages in the magazine): 400–750 words, plus 2 pictures

Longer Article (3–4 pages in the magazine): 700–1100 words, plus 2 or 3 pictures

Diary Piece: 400-600 words, plus 3 or 4 pictures

PinPointer: 250-600 words

Letter: 100-120 words

GeoPets: 300-350 words, plus 1 or 2 pictures

Writing Guidelines

If you’d like to write for PinPoint, please first read the following guidelines.

  • Keep your article to one of the word counts above.
  • Double-check any GC codes and facts.
  • Please edit and proofread your piece yourself as well as possible before submitting.
  • A picture is worth a thousand words! While we can find images to illustrate your piece, we’d much prefer it if you sent ones you’d like us to use. Ensure they are good quality and high resolution and reflect your article. Please include a brief description of each picture. (A few words will do – just so we know what it’s showing!)
  • If you’d like your article to appear in a particular issue, mention that in your email and ensure you submit it before the deadline (see below). Articles submitted well before the deadline will stand a greater chance of being published in that particular issue.
  • The editors cannot guarantee to publish every article submitted.
  • Published articles are subject to editing for grammar, style or readability or for reasons of space.

Picture Guidelines

  • Images must be of sufficiently high resolution to reproduce well in print.
  • Original images taken with a camera or a phone and emailed should be OK. Images taken from social media sites (even if you uploaded them yourself) will have been downsampled and may be too low resolution.
  • If in doubt, please ask us to check.
  • Please send any images as attachments to your email; don’t include them in the body of your Word document.

What to Write

You could choose to write for one of our regular features:

PinPointer: An anonymous, provocative piece with the purpose of stimulating debate. (250-600 words)

Letters: Ask a question, reply to a previous letter or respond to an article. Shorter letters are more likely to be included – ideally around 100–120 words.

GeoPets: Do you have a cool dog or a crazy cat which loves to go geocaching with you? Let’s hear all about their animal obsession – and don’t forget to send a pic or two! (300-350 words)

Diary of a Cacher: Keep a note of all your geo-activity for a month – walks, camps, maintenance runs, events, puzzle solving … anything! (Please check the format used in previous issues and keep to a maximum of around 600 words.)

Or you could write something you’re interested in:

UK Caching: Have you spent a really enjoyable day caching in the UK recently? Had a caching weekend? Or taken a UK-based holiday with a caching theme? Tell us all about it and let’s celebrate the best geocaching these isles can offer!

GeoTech: Are you a bit of a geek? Have a techie skill or technique to share?

A Muggle Writes…: Do you have a muggle friend that you drag around with you? A partner on the fringes of the game perhaps?

International: Although this is a UK-based magazine, there will be an international element to each issue. Whether you have a geocaching experience from your travels, or you live overseas, we’d love to hear from you!

If you have something you’d like to share which doesn’t fit any of these features, or you’re not sure about it, that’s fine; there’s plenty of space in these pages! Just send us a short description of your idea, and if we think it’s a goer, we’ll let you know!

Send your articles or ideas to submissions @

Submission Deadlines


Issue 10 – Winter

Issue 11 – Spring

Issue 12 – Summer

Publish Date

Oct 2024

Jan 2025

Apr 2025


Already full!

13th Oct 2025

19th Jan 2025